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The GOOD NEWS Foundation!

It's with great joy that we announce GOOD DESIGN's latest give-back initiative: The GOOD NEWS Foundation. Five percent of the agency's monthly revenue has been allotted to support this project. 

There are significant needs everywhere globally, and it's devastating to learn about those and be unable to help. The GOOD NEWS Foundation's mission is to bring people in poverty food, basic needs, and programs to raise themselves from the darkness of lack and hunger. It also aims to create economic development opportunities in areas of high demand through improved access to education, health care, and other programs. 

We are a multi-service social impact organization.

The GOOD NEWS Foundation will adopt different programs to address different needs. It will serve as an umbrella structure to embrace different causes. 

Raké: A seed of hope.

The foundation's first initiative is "The Raké Project." It is currently in its first phase of planning and strategy. This cause aims to help solve hunger and joblessness in the Rarámuri community (Chihuahua, Mexico). 

Because of the COVID-19, the Rarámuris, a community of indigenous people in Chihuahua, is out of food and jobs. Due to this situation, men are committing suicide by jumping off cliffs; they are unable to provide for their families and are leaving their wives and children behind. This community is crying out for help.

If your company is interested in supporting this cause, please email us at This project has three phases, and we are just getting started.


We are happy to announce that back in June 2020, The GOOD NEWS Foundation started sending food and other resources to the Rarámuris.

I know there are many details left out, but soon we will provide additional information about this project. Can't wait?! Then, email us your questions at

All the best,

Mauricio Gonzales
Content Marketing & Branding Specialist / Founder

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